We must dare to start holy confrontation

We must dare to start holy confrontation By Samuel Rodriguez, CP Contributor

Throughout my life, I have often found myself in positions that required me to confront people who have so much more — more power, more intelligence, more money, more authority — than I do.

At various times I have been led by God to confront elected officials in the community, business owners with considerable clout, angry members of my congregation, international ministry leaders, and even presidents from both major political parties in the White House!

My desire each time I am called to engage in holy confrontation is to advance God’s Kingdom and to uphold His truth. I never confront another person in anger or, to the best of my human ability, to advance my own agenda. When I have confronted political leaders and presidents of both parties, I have maintained my devotion to only one cause — not the “donkey’s” or the “elephant’s” cause but the Lamb’s. I cannot say that I enjoyed any of those sometimes tense, often emotionally charged, conversations. But each one forced me to rely on God and the power of the Holy Spirit just a little more as I submit to His authority.

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During those challenging seasons of confrontation, I prayed without ceasing for God’s guidance, wisdom, and understanding. I sought to emulate the only perfect person who has ever walked this earth — my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And I relied on the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to work through me and others in order to accomplish what He had called me to do. Perhaps you have been in a similar situation: If you did not speak up about an injustice, no one else was going to.

Perhaps you have been challenged in your employment, where the voices of those who are being wronged are also being ignored. Or maybe your church family has missed the mark and slid into a stance that is clearly immoral. Maybe even in your family a biblical truth is being ignored and poisoning the sanctity of your home.

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